Project Description
If you are a new user, the following paths will lead you to the needed therapy:
1) After login to the APP, you will be prompted to the home page, i.e., My Programs page. You can select Start New Section from the page and walk through the process for recommended programs;
2) Or you can switch to the Program Library page, browse through the programs under the Relieve, Strengthen, Relax category to select your desired programs;
3) After obtaining your desired program, you can click on the Start or Run button to execute the therapy program.
If you are a familiar user, apart from the above paths there are quicker ways to the needed therapy:
1) Quick access to the collection of the recommended programs from My Program page. Click on the Start or Run button to execute the therapy program.
2) Quick access to the collection of the favorited programs from My Program page. Click on the Start or Run button to execute the therapy program.
3) Repeat the last used program from My Program page.
4) Go directly to the Control Panel to start the therapy with the last used program.